
Create a Live Chat Web Widget Tutorial using Javascript

Simple live chat javascript demo There's been so many chat widgets out there you can just use. But what if you want to create and manage the entirety of your system by yourself? It's very easy to create another live chat widget on your own. In today's tutorial, I'm going to show you how to create a live chat using JavaScript and Node.js. The chat will be very simple, allowing you to modify it according to your needs and styles. The main features of our chat will include: - A page for clients - A page for the admin that can simultaneously reply to all incoming client chats We'll begin by setting up the client-side of our chat application. This will be the interface that your users interact with when they visit your site. The HTML file, which we'll call user.html , will contain the basic structure for the chat interface. You can style it to fit the look and feel of your website, adding CSS for visual appeal and JavaScript to handle the interactions. Ne

Unix Tail Command in Windows to Print Live Logging

Show live logs in windows Windows is a great operating system for day-to-day use, but there are some things in Linux and Unix that Windows doesn't have out of the box. For example, when I need to SSH into a Linux server, I often want to view log files using the tail command. Unfortunately, Windows doesn't have a native tail command. However, we can create our own function to mimic this simple tail operation using PowerShell. Using Get-Content Get-Content -Path logfile.txt -Wait To mimic the Unix-like tail -f command in PowerShell permanently, you can create a custom function in your PowerShell profile. 1. Open PowerShell or Windows Terminal : First, open Windows PowerShell or Windows Terminal and ensure you're using PowerShell. 2. Modify Your PowerShell Profile : Your PowerShell profile is a script that runs every time you start a new PowerShell session. To edit this profile, open it with any text editor. The profile is typically located at Documents\WindowsPowerShe

Dead Inside poetry & artistic illustration

Dried Insight artistic illustration The unhappiness An unending, uncertain, unachievable goal, not even sure what the goal is, low self esteem, constantly comparing the success of others, far away from someone you care about, unhealthy condition, constantly yawning from lack of sleep and obese from unhealthy food, fear of being replaced or kicked out from the job, fear of uncertain embarrassment, unconfident about body shape, doesn't have real strong faith in anything, simply living like a rat, searching for pleasure, running away from danger NB: These poems I created come from a place of self-reflection, exploring the reasons why humans often find themselves unhappy. I truly believe that happiness isn't a mysterious science. It's usually quite simple to identify the sources of our unhappiness. The real challenge lies in overcoming the obstacles that prevent us from achieving happiness. It's a journey that requires patience, effort, and a willingnes

When a Developer Starts to Hate the Computer

Developer hustling As a developer working a 9 to 5 and then continuing to grind on a side hustle afterwards, I often feel incredibly stressed. I can't quite pinpoint if it's the lack of sleep and exercise or the unhealthy food I consume, but I'm starting to despise working with the computer. Even just touching the mouse and navigating to the app I need feels overwhelming. Sometimes, I wonder if I should take a break from chasing that dream startup I've been envisioning and just focus on achieving a healthier work-life balance with my day job. The constant hustle can be exhausting, and I'm beginning to question whether pushing through is the best path or if stepping back might help me recharge and ultimately bring my startup vision to life with renewed energy and clarity. Balancing the demands of a full-time job, a side hustle, and family responsibilities can be overwhelming. I have family that I don't want to miss the time we together, adding another layer of pr

Am I Going to Hell for Working as a Game Developer?

Sunset at the beach I’ve been spending a lot of time binge-watching "The Good Place" lately, a show where people are sent to a good or bad place based on their actions while they are alive. It’s essentially a modern take on the concepts of heaven and hell. Personally, I think it’s one of the best TV shows ever made because I enjoy philosophy. Lately, though, it’s made me think about my own ethical dilemmas. I work as a developer in the entertainment game industry, and sometimes I wonder if my job is actually benefiting society. Are we just encouraging people to spend their time and money on something that might not be good for them? Are we fostering selfish behaviors and contributing to negative consequences? But then, I remind myself that my goal is to create engaging and enjoyable software. I want people to love what I create and find happiness in it. It’s not my intention to make them waste their time and money. In my defense, creating something that brings joy is already

Ffmpeg tutorial video to photos

Ffmpeg video to photos I’ve found that FFmpeg is incredibly useful for handling various video operations. For instance, when I need to extract images from a video I’ve recorded, FFmpeg comes in handy. Sometimes, capturing the perfect photo can be tricky. It’s much easier for me to record a scene and then extract each frame from the video. This way, I can pick the best shots for social media or any other purpose. Here’s how you can do it: 1. Install FFmpeg (if you haven’t already): - On Windows, you can use Chocolatey, a package manager for Windows. - Simply open a command prompt and run choco install ffmpeg 2. Open a terminal or command prompt on your computer. Run the following command to take a PNG screenshot every second from a WEBM file: ffmpeg -i input.webm -vf "fps=1" screenshot_%04d.png Explanation of the command: -i input.webm: This specifies the input WEBM file. You can replace input.webm with your own video file, whether it's in MP4, MKV, or ano

HTML CSS Ripple Effect When User Click Any Button

Button click ripple effect As a UI/UX developer, I sometimes need to implement cool effects from other platforms that aren't natively supported in my environment. One example is the material design Ripple effect. Below, I've included some CSS and JS code to override the button click effect to use the material ripple effect. The ripple effect is like a droplet of water. When you click or touch the button, it shows ripple effects, adding more interaction and feedback for the user. This helps users know exactly that their action has been registered. As UI/UX developers, it's crucial to provide feedback to users to indicate that their actions have been registered, preventing them from clicking the button multiple times out of uncertainty. This ripple effect accomplishes that. When working on Android mobile devices, native UI components often include material design elements by default, such as the ripple effect when using material design. However, web interfaces can be a bit