Developer Tips : Focus on feature and content, not the appearance

I’ve been trying to become a UI designer. I want to develop a well-designed, really good looking system management app, and then I can sell it somewhere on the software marketplace and hope It can make me some revenue from it. So I started searching on what is the best UI library that I will use to develop the project. UI design, library or framework that have the best look and feel for users so the user won’t feel tired or bored while using the app. After analysing many libraries, I realize that even the best design, which in my opinion is Material design, in the end users will feel bored and feel that there’s nothing special with the design. Because appearance is kind of only work as a first impression, after a while using the app, the user won’t care about looks anymore, it is the content or feature that they will care about. Looks are the first impression whether a customer will decide to choose our product or find another product that is better than ours, so looks are ...