Drinking Coffee Help You Boost Energy And Focus, But...

Insomnia coffee, Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash If you feel dull, or unmotivated it is probably because your energy is low, I often feel that when trying to start work and get nothing done because the lack of focus and energy. Then i decides to brew a cup of coffee, a few minutes later, not only it warms my body, it also boosts the energy level, help me really focus to get done the jobs i have. Drink a big glass of coffee is my routines, I start brew coffee in the morning or in the late afternoon if it's weekend, for me, I can't start working if i don't have caffeine in my bloodstream, so coffee has been the most important part of my life. Studies say coffee is good and held many health benefits, for example lower your risk of Type 2 Diabetes, prevent from Alzheimer or Dementia, lower risk Parkinson, protect your liver from hepatitis and many other you can find from consuming caffeine. But besides that many good health benefits about coffee, I find myself ...