Why I Love Intellij IDEA, The Best IDE In The World

Intellij IDEA 2019.3 Splash Screen As a programmer, my only tools that i really need is an IDE (integrated development environment), without it, coding using Vim or just regular text editor can be really frustrating and just slowing the process of solving our problems. Lucky there is the smartest IDE the world ever have, Intellij IDEA, the ultimate code editor a programmer needs. I love Intellij, working using this tool really help me in many many situations when i am doing coding. These are the reasons why i really love it. 1. The smartest IDE in the world Beautiful smart IDE, IntelliJ IDEA can analyzes your codes, looking for connections between symbols across all project files and all languages. Processing our codes to provides in-depth coding assistance, quick navigation, clever error analysis, refactoring and many many more. The IDE is really smart helping us with smart code assistants. 2. Many third party plugins The core IDEA is separated from the main IDE functions...