How To Create Spring Boot Project Using Netbeans

Spring Boot is program that you can use to develops Spring Framework easier, without the need of using so many hard to handle configuration. This tutorial, we are gonna create Spring Boot Application by using Netbeans IDE.

You can of course create Spring Boot Appilcation on Netbeans, but it will be easier if just using plugin for Spring development in Netbeans,

1. Open Netbeans, click tools menu and click plugin. After plugin window opened, click tab Available Plugins and find the "Nb SpringBoot" plugin then install and activate the plugin.

2. After restarting the Netbeans IDE. Now you gonna be able to create a new project with Spring boot application. File > New Project > Under categories, choose Maven > then choose  Spring Boot Basic.

Now you can start the development of spring boot application using your Netbeans IDE. Open pom.xml to add spring boot dependencies you want.

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