3 Ways To Make Money From Blog
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Making money from blog is really hard. You can't expect to make money from just your first hundreds of you blog posts, it could takes years with lot of contents from your blog to make your blog appear at least in Google Search page one, and that's how you get visitors to read your blog and clicking ads that appear on your blog, that's how most blogger make money from blogger.
But that's just traditional techniques, you can also have some membership plans on your blog, maybe you have services you can offer to your visitors that willing to use and pay for your services. There's so many variety of ways to monetized your blog to make money. These are just 3 common ways of how you can make money from blog.
1. Advertisement Space
Google ads or any other internet advertising company need a lot of partner to publish their ads. You can allocate some spaces to place their ads on your blog. but remember don't put to much ads, it's gonna make your visitor sick. And also don't make that ads slows down your blog performance, people also gonna be sick from that, that may leave your blog even before see your blog content appears.2. Affiliate marketing
Amazon has lot complete product, everything in there. You can join Amazon Associates, and after you got accepted you can place amazon product on your blog, if someone buy that product from your blog, you will get commission, a lot of people already making lot of money from this.It is not just Amazon, and to be honest not just by using blog. You can find another affiliate program other than amazon like Ebay, Shopify, etc.
3. Membership Plans
If you have special contents that you thing people gonna love it, if it's really having special insights and can be life-changing to someone if they read it, you can make pay wall of it, so only people who have paid for membership plan can read that.But again you need to do a lot of hard work, putting lot of effort on your writing, so that people not gonna complaints and mad against you. I believe you can do it, at least enough money . The key is discipline and persistence on writing. Never let your blog out of contents. At first you alone can handle this. As soon as you become big, it will be really difficult to maintain your blog reputation, if you are in this stage, you need to hire some people with sophisticated writing skills to make your income from your blog even bigger.
There's many many ways you can make your blogging hobby as a living, but it's gonna be tough experiences, you need lot of visitors (thousands a day at least) to come visiting your blog. You need to write a lot of good contents every day, don't leave your blog a single day without content, Google or any other search engine wouldn't love it. Learn and maximize SEO (search engine optimization).
You can promote your blog and getting visitor not just from Google search, can be from anywhere, for example from Social media. As long as you have lot of contents that can attract your visitor, especially if that's good contents, people will love it and maybe they bookmarked your blog and visiting your blog daily, because they think your blog have significant impact for them.
The first year of your blog will give you nothing, but if you consistent writing your blog, soon or later it will gain popularity in the coming year. Just be patient and keep writing.